About US
We make fabrics for better heart-health, skin, fertility and overall wellbeing
Our Story
Namarie means "Go Towards Goodness" in Tolkien's Elvish language. Yes, it's from Lord of The Rings. The three founders have come together to rebuild the most biodiverse ecosystem in the world while creating a performance fabric to increase longevity. Blending innovation and nature, we're focused on going towards goodness.
Our Fabric
Not so fun fact: Microplastics in the blood increases risk of all-cause mortality by 450%. Of those microplastics, 95% are coming from our clothing, mainly nylon and polyester. While you sweat it out, plastics sink in.
Our Process
Hemp is 1 of only 3 net-positive biodiversity crops. That means this plant provides more life for the soil than it takes to grow.
We grow our hemp without any pesticides or herbicides, using only rainfall instead of irrigation. The seeds are sprayed with a microbial inoculum, which helps rebuild the fungal networks. This causes the seeds to grow faster and the soil to heal quicker.
We then use non-toxic, natural dyes for vibrant color and safety in every step of your clothing.
Our Reason

The Jungle Is Fading
We lose 80,000 acres of tropical rainforest a day. The homes of the most badass animals are being destroyed. We’ve lost over half of all orangutans in the last 10 years, and only 500 Sumatran Tigers remain.
Namarie created a new way. We take back the destroyed rainforests from large lumber and palm oil corporations, and use it to grow our hemp.

After we harvest our hemp, we reforest and use the carbon credits to purchase more land to keep the process going.
For once, the creation of clothing is intertwined with the creation of nature.

The Namarien Wood
In 2025 we begin the Namarien Wood.
10,000 acres of destroyed rainforest will be used to grow our Sylvendel fabric. Then we restore the land into it's native rainforest but this time, under the protection of Namarie.
The importance of non-toxic fabrics
"It's urgent, otherwise we're just going to have
increasing numbers of couples unable to
conceive except through assisted reproduction."
"Patients with microplastics in their arterial plaque were
450% more likely to experience a severe cardiovascular
health outcome, including heart attack, stroke, or death."
"Possible side effects from wearing polyester include:
rashes, itching, redness, eczema, and dermatitis."
More Questions?
Email us at support@namarie.com
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